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USA: Apple employees form union for the first time

In the US state of Maryland, employees at an Apple Store have voted to form a union. At the Towson store, 65 of the 110 employees voted in favour of the union. For years, Apple blocked the efforts of its employees. Now the company’s first union is being established – despite attempts at

L’importanza di chiamarsi Ucraina

L’Ucraina è ciò che in ambito geofilosofico si suole definire un “luogo del destino”, cioè una terra condannata dalla geografia a essere importante. Sempre. Comunque. Per chiunque. Perché l’uomo non può cambiare ciò che la geografia ha decretato: è la geografia che determina la politica – e non il contrario. Una legge non

Fact Sheet: Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States

“We envision an Indo-Pacific that is open, connected, prosperous, resilient, and secure—and we are ready to work together with each of you to achieve it.”President Joe Biden – East Asia Summit – October 27, 2021 The Biden-Harris Administration has made historic strides to restore American leadership in the Indo-Pacific and adapt its role

Joe Biden: a report card on the US president’s first year in office

Clodagh Harrington, De Montfort University and Alex Waddan, University of Leicester When Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th US president in January 2021, 51.3% of American voters heaved a sigh of relief – along with much of the world. After four tumultuous and unscripted years of Donald Trump, restoration of calm

Black market starting to emerge amid coronavirus vaccine shortages

In Miami, priority access to COVID vaccines was dangled as a lure to big hospital donors. In New York, hospital workers laboring from home cut in front of their frontline colleagues on the COVID-19 vaccine line. In California, teachers at the wealthy Los Gatos Union School District were urged — by their superintendent