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Sep 26, 2024

Healthcare Innovations: Lessons from Asian Systems

The healthcare systems in many Asian countries have been lauded for their innovative approaches and successful management of complex health challenges. From leveraging cutting-edge technology to implementing community-focused healthcare models, Asian healthcare systems offer a wealth of lessons for the rest of the world. This article explores some key healthcare innovations emerging from

Sep 13, 2024

Nature’s own chemistry could help reduce waste and improve health

When Dr Andrés de la Escosura, an organic chemistry researcher at the Institute for Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences (IAdChem) in Madrid, Spain, set out to fundamentally change the way that we produce the chemicals used in everyday life, his rationale was simple. Chemistry in nature is clean and efficient, whilst industrial chemistry

Jul 10, 2024

L’impatto dello stress cronico sul viso

La scienza ha dimostrato che lo stress prolungato può modellare il viso, creando segni visibili che vanno ben oltre le normali linee dell’età. Questo articolo esplorerà come le emozioni influenzano le rughe e le asimmetrie del nostro viso, il legame con il nostro rapporto con i genitori, le delusioni, gli abbandoni e il