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Feb 2, 2024

Windows Interview – Lorenzo Baldanello

Dopo lo scandalo di “Cambridge Analytica” che ha posto un punto di non ritorno in termini di privacy e vendita di dati, come è mutata la percezione del valore delle informazioni personali nei cittadini italiani e globali? Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel secondo episodio della quarta stagione di Windows Interview, è  Lorenzo Baldanello,

Jan 19, 2024

Windows Interview – Marcello Presilla

La tendenza ad interessare l‘opinione pubblica di food e della cultura che lo racchiude, alimenta in maniera preoccupante il fenomeno delle frodi alimentari. Come eccellenti produttori ed anche consumatori, siamo costantemente a rischio economico ma anche di benessere. Dalle truffe scandalo che implicano il buon nome dell’Italia alle semplici trovate di chi distribuisce, vende

Dec 22, 2023

Brexit, Union, and Disunion: The Evolution of British Constitutional Unsettlement

Title: Brexit, Union, and Disunion: The Evolution of British Constitutional Unsettlement Author: Sionaidh Douglas-Scott In the intricate tapestry of British constitutional history, few threads have been as contentious and transformative as Brexit. The book “Brexit, Union, and Disunion: The Evolution of British Constitutional Unsettlement (Law in Context)” delves into this complex and often

Nov 27, 2023

A Closer Look at the UK’s Intellectual Property Laws: Protecting Creativity

In the labyrinthine world of intellectual property (IP), the United Kingdom stands as a bastion of innovation and creative protection. The nation’s IP laws, evolved over centuries, form a complex tapestry that seeks to balance the encouragement of innovation with the fair and equitable use of creative works. This investigative piece delves into

Nov 6, 2023

Implications of AI in Law: New Opportunities and Challenges

In the hallowed halls of justice, where centuries-old traditions and precedents have long held sway, a quiet revolution is underway. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has penetrated the legal world, promising both new opportunities and daunting challenges. As the legal profession grapples with this technological disruption, it becomes imperative to explore the profound implications that

Aug 24, 2023

Is the Middle Kingdom Equipped for Legislation against Cyber Hostility?

Preamble In the epoch of digital interconnectivity, the ubiquity of the internet has revolutionised the paradigm of communication, knowledge acquisition, and trade transactions. Nevertheless, the upsurge of social networks, web-based dialogues, and virtual conglomerates has not only broadened the spectrum of interaction but also catalysed the emergence of cyber hostility. This nefarious phenomenon

Jul 28, 2023

Privacy Framework: la certezza dell’incertezza

La Commissione Europea in data 10 luglio 2023 ha adottato la decisione di adeguatezza per l’EU-US Data Privacy Framework e cioè l’accordo per il trasferimento dei dati personali dall’Europa agli Stati Uniti. Detto in termini semplici, dall’11 luglio 2023 è di nuovo possibile effettuare il trasferimento dei dati personali in US alle aziende