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Jul 22, 2024

Sustainable Solutions: The Impact of Green Engineering on Our World

In recent years, the discourse around sustainability and environmental conservation has intensified, thrusting green engineering into the spotlight as a pivotal force in addressing the myriad challenges posed by climate change and resource depletion. Green engineering, which integrates principles of sustainable development into engineering practices, is reshaping industries and societies in profound ways,

Jul 15, 2024

Green Entrepreneurship: Innovations Driving Sustainability

In an era where environmental concerns have ascended to the forefront of global discourse, green entrepreneurship has emerged as a crucial force for driving sustainability. The convergence of innovation and environmental stewardship is not merely a trend but a necessary evolution in the face of climate change, resource depletion, and ecological degradation. This

Jul 10, 2024

Every last drop: zero-waste water builds water resilience

The 34 dairy cows chewing the cud on a floating platform in the port of Rotterdam probably aren’t thinking about water scarcity – a major challenge in the world today – but they are participating in a Europe-wide effort to find solutions to this modern-day dilemma.  The cows’ home, the Floating Farm, is part

Jul 8, 2024

Building Sustainably: Green Engineering in Modern Architecture

Building sustainably has become an imperative in modern architecture, driven by the urgent need to address climate change, reduce carbon footprints, and create resilient, energy-efficient structures. The concept of green engineering in modern architecture encompasses a wide range of practices and principles aimed at creating buildings that are not only environmentally friendly but

Jul 2, 2024

A ban on plastic wet wipes may lead to more river pollution, not less

ph. Don’t flush any wet wipes – even if they are ‘plastic free’ or ‘biodegradable’. Maridav / shutterstock Randa Lindsey Kachef, King’s College London The UK government recently announced a plan to ban plastics from wet wipes, causing my fellow river activists to release a collective sigh of relief. However, although a general

Jul 1, 2024

Eco-Friendly Transportation: Moving Towards Sustainable Mobility

The transportation sector has long been a significant contributor to environmental degradation, with emissions from vehicles accounting for a large percentage of the world’s greenhouse gases. As the planet grapples with the escalating climate crisis, the need for sustainable mobility solutions has never been more pressing. In recent years, there has been a

Jun 26, 2024

Why animal ethics matters for tackling climate change

ph. Olga Rudchenko/Shutterstock Jack Marley, The Conversation The world’s oldest animal welfare charity, Britain’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), is under fire from non-human rights activists Animal Rising. A food-labelling scheme, RSPCA Assured, marks meat and dairy from farms subject to annual inspections by trained officials. On more

Jun 24, 2024

Transforming Industries with Green Engineering Principles

The relentless march towards sustainability has ushered in a new era for industries worldwide, driven by the imperative to adopt green engineering principles. As environmental concerns intensify and regulatory frameworks tighten, businesses are increasingly recognising the need to transition towards more sustainable practices. Green engineering, which focuses on designing, commercialising, and using processes

Jun 18, 2024

Preserving Forests And Managing Carbon With Satellites

Vegetation is a source of cleaning the atmosphere from harmful gasses. As a result of photosynthesis, oxygen is released, enriching the air, and carbon dioxide is absorbed. From an ecological point of view, the forest is an essential element of the biological processes taking place in nature. Forests are home to millions of