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New AI-technology could help early detection of breast cancer

In 2020, breast cancer amounted for 13,3 percent of newly diagnosed cancer cases in the European Union making it the most frequently occurring cancer type in the EU. On average, one in eleven European women develops breast cancer before the age of 74. An Indian Start-Up has now developed a new device that

Big Tech Layoffs in Europe: A Violation of EU Policy?

Amazon reportedly plans to lay off 10,000 employees, following Twitter and Meta’s lead; the question is: how will big tech conduct mass layoffs across borders? As big tech’s share prices fall and companies scramble to cut costs by slashing head-counts, a dot-com bust 2.0 is gathering speed and the world is along for

EU: Sales ban on products and goods made with forced labor

Worldwide, modern slavery is on the rise, and with it, goods and products made under forced labor. The work usually takes place under poor conditions, violence, or threat of violence. The EU Commission is now proposing a ban on the sale and import of products made with forced labor. Bricks, textiles, and electronics.

EU-Directive: 45 % renewable energy sources by 2030

The EU Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy agrees on increasing the overall share of renewable energy in European energy production. By 2030, 45% of energy demand is to be supplied from renewable sources. In addition, energy consumption is to be reduced by 40%. This is intended to contribute to greater climate neutrality