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Spanish elections: why devastating local losses to the right have forced socialist prime minister Pedro Sánchez to call an early national vote

Pedro Sánchez announcing that next general elections in Spain will be held the 23rd of July, 2023. La Moncloa Juan Luis Manfredi, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha The local and regional elections that took place the 28th May have shaken up the political chessboard in Spain. The right-wing Partido Popular took the largest proportion

Spain: free rail travel for commuters for 3 months

The Spanish government of Socialist Pedro Sanchéz wants to do everything to “relieve the middle class and workers”, says the Prime Minister. From September 1st, rail travel in Spain will be free for local and medium-distance trains for three months. In Germany, 52 million 9-Euro tickets were sold in the summer, saving 1.8