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Jul 27, 2020

Ransomware accounts for a third of all cyberattacks against organizations

Government agencies were most heavily hit by ransomware during the first quarter, says Positive Technologies. Organizations and their employees can fall victim to a variety of cyberattack methods, including phishing campaigns, viruses, spyware, and trojans. But one particularly problematic and pervasive type of attack is ransomware. A report released Wednesday by security provider

Jul 24, 2020

Design of a Digital Art Teaching Platform

Digital media art is a brand-new course combining technology and art under the background of streaming media. Since digital art is based on computer technology, the course is required to keep up with the frontiers of science and technology, and the speed of knowledge update should keep pace with the development of the

Jul 21, 2020

Orange confirms ransomware attack

Orange has confirmed to BleepingComputer that they suffered a ransomware attack exposing the data of twenty of their enterprise customers. Orange is a French telecommunications company that offers consumer communication services and business services to the enterprise. With million customers and , employees, Orange is the fourth-largest mobile operator in Europe. As part of its services

Jul 20, 2020

Zoom bug allowed anyone to use a company’s custom meeting URL

On Thursday, researchers at online security firm Check Point detailed their latest discovery: an exploit in Zoom which would have allowed any bad actor to use a company’s vanity URL for their own video meeting. Here’s what this means. Basically, companies and organizations paying Zoom for video conferencing services can set up a

Jul 13, 2020

SEO su Google: posizionamento e visibilità

Oggi, per un’azienda che offre servizi e prodotti, avere una buona identità e presenza online è diventato ormai indispensabile. In Italia, secondo il sito Stats Counter – GlobalStats, Google occupa oltre il 96% del market share e ottenere visibilità su questo motore di ricerca, per determinate parole chiave attinenti al proprio business, è

Jul 11, 2020

Artificial Intelligence Systems Will Need to Have Certification

Vendors of artificial intelligence technology should not be shielded by intellectual property claims and will have to disclose elements of their designs and be able to explain how their offering works in order to establish accountability, according to a leading official from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. “I don’t know how you

Jul 9, 2020

Il cloro provoca il cancro?

Il cloro è l’agente chimico più utilizzato per la disinfezione dell’acqua potabile da microrganismi dannosi. La trasformazione del cloro in ipoclorito di sodio, sostanza dal grande potere disinfettante, e il suo utilizzo a questo fine, rappresentò, agli inizi del secolo scorso, una spinta al miglioramento qualitativo dell’acqua e al problema dell’approvvigionamento idrico, contribuendo

Jul 9, 2020

What is Starlink? Elon Musk’s satellite internet service explained

The dream of being able to access the internet, no matter where you live might become a reality sooner than you might think. In , SpaceX, the company owned by technology billionaire Elon Musk, announced it was developing such a service called Starlink. But what is Starlink, exactly? Keep reading as we reveal