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May 2, 2024

Pass the salt please. Power lies within

A green industrial future for Europe may depend on an element that is part of a household staple: table salt.  Dr John Abou-Rjeily, a researcher at Tiamat Energy in France, is using sodium to develop rechargeable batteries. Sodium is a part of sodium chloride, an ionic compound that is the technical name for

Apr 30, 2024

Eco-Engineering: Blending Tradition with Innovation

In the realm of sustainable development, the integration of traditional knowledge with innovative eco-engineering practices has emerged as a critical pathway towards achieving environmental resilience and sustainability. This exploration delves into the myriad ways that ancient techniques are being re-evaluated and amalgamated with cutting-edge technologies to create solutions that are not only environmentally

Apr 29, 2024

Why Germany ditched nuclear before coal – and why it won’t go back

Trevelyan Wing, University of Cambridge One year ago, Germany took its last three nuclear power stations offline. When it comes to energy, few events have baffled outsiders more. In the face of climate change, calls to expedite the transition away from fossil fuels, and an energy crisis precipitated by Russia’s 2022 invasion of

Apr 23, 2024

The Emergence of the Green Wave: Pioneering Sustainable Engineering

At the forefront of modern innovation, where technological strides meet ecological stewardship, a transformative wave is materialising—the Green Wave. This crusade epitomises a collaborative endeavour among engineers, scientists, and policymakers aimed at redefining the core structures of infrastructure, production, and energy to champion a sustainable tomorrow. Central to this revolutionary wave are novel

Apr 16, 2024

Sustainable Construction: The Essence of Green Engineering

In the dynamic realm of construction and urban development, a subtle yet profound revolution is blossoming. This transformation is not sculpted from iron or moulded in cement; rather, it sprouts from the fertile soil of environmental awareness. Once perceived as a peripheral concept, green engineering has evolved into a fundamental element of contemporary

Apr 10, 2024

Waterfront cities in Europe set sail for climate resilience

In the medieval Belgian city of Bruges, the urban administration has been seeking a new home and decided to move into an old hospital rather than construct a building.  Elsewhere in Bruges, famous for its picture-postcard setting amid winding canals and cobbled streets, work is underway to connect the historic centre with the

Apr 9, 2024

Water’s Role: Sustaining Our Planet

Within the contemporary discourse on environmental sustainability, the import of potable water extends beyond a mere essentiality, positioning itself as the pivot upon which our ecological equilibrium teeters. Thus, the function of potable water transcends quenching the planet’s diverse lifeforms’ immediate thirst, aiming instead to preserve the continuity of ecosystems upon which human