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The Performance formulas: what they are and how to implement them

Performance can be represented by two mathematical formulas:

P (Performance) = M (Motivation) x C (Competencies/Skills)

Both factors of this formula (Motivation and Competencies/Skills) depend on you and are under your control.

If they go to zero… the result of the multiplication, that is your Performance, becomes zero, but if you act by increasing both factors, your Performance increases!

P (Performance) = p (potential) – i (interference)

Potential is your asset and therefore you can take action to improve it. External interference is beyond your control and cannot be governed by you; internal interference, on the other hand, that is your personal interference, is under your control and you can therefore act to reduce it.

If you train yourself to decrease your internal interference and increase your potential , your Performance increases!

When do these formulas work?

These formulas work on an individual level and even more so on a team level. In fact, the internal interference of each member of the group adds up and reduces the effectiveness of the whole team. Individual motivations, competencies/skills and potential also add up, but this time generating a positive increase in the productivity of the team itself.

The performance of the whole is much greater than the sum of the individual performances!

What do you need to implement these formulas?

Both formulas are simple and complex at the same time. Performance is the result of elements that depend on you (simple!), which are all under your control and you can manage them (and this is the challenging part!). Indeed, people capable of achieving high Performance have a high self-awareness, but how is it achieved? With Business Coaching, a personal development path that allows you to:

  • acquire and increase awareness of your skills (both technical, behavioral and relational) and of your potential in the current situation and how you can improve them further
  • become aware of your internal interference in the current situation and how you can reduce it
  • identify your needs and desires
  • find your inner Motivation as strength and determination to implement the changes necessary to increase your Performance

Author: Valentina Reiner

Valentina Reiner is Certified Business Coach (CBC™) by Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC), European Individual Accreditation (EIA) Coach/Mentor at Senior Practitioner Level by European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), Neuromanager Positivo Applicato (NPA®) by Apprendo Academy

Valentina Reiner
Valentina Reiner

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Maddocks , J. & Sparrow , T., The individual effectiveness (1998).

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