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Disasters at sea trigger ship-safety advances

When one of the world’s largest container ships crashed into the bank of the Suez Canal in 2021, a major gateway for global trade became blocked with an estimated $9.6 billion in daily commerce being held up. Accidents like the one involving the Ever Given almost three years ago are more common than

Rethinking insurance for floods, wildfires and other catastrophes

Q&A — Economist Carolyn Kousky The industry is in crisis just when disaster coverage is most needed By Emily Underwood When Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana on August 29, 2005, surges of seawater more than 20 feet higher than normal tide levels crested over the levees surrounding New Orleans. Within hours, the levees started

The ‘climate dystopia’ displacing millions of Pakistanis

Parts of the country have received 5 times more rainfall this August than average. After weeks of relentless rains, a new cycle of flash floods devastated parts of Pakistan over the weekend, raising the country’s monsoon death toll to 1,136 since June, according to the country’s National Disaster Management Authority. Nearly 1 million