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The Middle Stone Age might hold a lesson for today

Turbulent environment set the stage for leaps in human evolution and technology 320,000 years ago Drilling 139 meters down to volcanic rock provided scientists with a million-year environmental record. Human Origins Program, Smithsonian Richard Potts, Smithsonian Institution People thrive all across the globe, at every temperature, altitude and landscape. How did human beings

Environment is not a partisan challenge

As recently as 2008 the platform of the Republican Party mentioned climate change 13 times. The GOP acknowledged that the Earth’s warming was caused by human activity, and a commitment was made to reducing the nation’s long-term use of fossil fuels. By the end of President Barack Obama’s first term, however, the GOP

How Trump and Biden differ on the environment

President Trump and Joe Biden sharply oppose each other on a number of environmental issues. Let’s take a closer look Trump is pulling the United States out of the Paris climate agreement, signed by almost every country, and has lifted limits on planet-warming emissions. Biden would rejoin the agreement. He has a $2