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Using SWOT Analysis to create strategies for solving problems in implementing school lunch programs in Thailand

As the Thai school lunch program (Thai SLP) is crucial for Thai children’s health, there should be another way to improve the quality of school lunches. This study aimed to address problems arising from the Thai SLP operation, prioritize problems, and devise strategies to help resolve those issues under the SLP.

Method: School principals and educational service area staff are key persons in school lunch management. Sixty participants from 30 schools across Thailand were invited and divided into 6 groups. They were asked to discuss problems and obstacles in the program implementation. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) Analysis was used to analyze data from brainstorming activities.

Results: SWOT analysis showed six strengths, seven opportunities, eight weaknesses, and six threats. Eleven strategies were formulated and presented in the TOWS matrix. One proactive strategy was to maintain good network partners between schools and communities. A corrective strategy also showed creating a network between schools, communities, and temples to ask for food donations to alleviate the problem of delayed and insufficient budgets. A school or district level nutritionist to reduce teachers’ workload was also proposed.

Conclusion: The study created a variety of strategies that are required to solve operating problems and improve the quality of the SLP. Priority solutions should start with strategies that the schools can implement by themselves. Forming networks between schools and communities for sustainable management could also help in the quality improvement of the SLP.

Recommended Citation
Srisangwan N, Churak P, Praditsorn P, et al. Using SWOT Analysis to create strategies for solving problems in implementing school lunch programs in Thailand. J Health Res. 2023; 37(6):-. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56808/2586-940X.1039

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