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Jul 11, 2024

Fandom usually means tracking your favorite team for years − so why are the Olympics so good at making us root for sports and athletes we tune out most of the time?

ph. A fan cheers for U.S. tennis players in the men’s doubles gold medal match during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano Noah Cohan, Washington University in St. Louis Every four years, millions of Americans join billions of their fellow humans across the globe to celebrate the astonishing athletic

Jul 10, 2024

L’impatto dello stress cronico sul viso

La scienza ha dimostrato che lo stress prolungato può modellare il viso, creando segni visibili che vanno ben oltre le normali linee dell’età. Questo articolo esplorerà come le emozioni influenzano le rughe e le asimmetrie del nostro viso, il legame con il nostro rapporto con i genitori, le delusioni, gli abbandoni e il

Jul 10, 2024

Every last drop: zero-waste water builds water resilience

The 34 dairy cows chewing the cud on a floating platform in the port of Rotterdam probably aren’t thinking about water scarcity – a major challenge in the world today – but they are participating in a Europe-wide effort to find solutions to this modern-day dilemma.  The cows’ home, the Floating Farm, is part

Jul 9, 2024

Monsoons and Mountains: The Natural Wonders of Asia

Asia, the vastest and most populous continent on Earth, harbours some of the planet’s most exceptional natural marvels. Prominently among these are the monsoons and the majestic mountain ranges, phenomena that not only sculpt the landscape but deeply influence the lives and cultures of Asian communities. In this discourse, we shall explore these

Jul 8, 2024

Building Sustainably: Green Engineering in Modern Architecture

Building sustainably has become an imperative in modern architecture, driven by the urgent need to address climate change, reduce carbon footprints, and create resilient, energy-efficient structures. The concept of green engineering in modern architecture encompasses a wide range of practices and principles aimed at creating buildings that are not only environmentally friendly but

Jul 5, 2024

Engaging Diverse Audiences in Science

Engaging diverse audiences in science has become an imperative for both educational institutions and scientific communities worldwide. The challenge lies not only in disseminating complex scientific concepts in an accessible manner but also in ensuring that the communication resonates with individuals from varied backgrounds and experiences. This endeavour is crucial, as it fosters