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Aug 30, 2023

NeuroDrivership: Riconfigurare il Cervello per la Risoluzione Innovativa dei Problemi

Nell’era dell’innovazione accelerata e della complessità aziendale, trovare soluzioni creative e innovative diventa essenziale per il successo delle organizzazioni. In questo contesto, la neurobiologia e la neurofisiologia offrono nuove prospettive per comprendere come riconfigurare il cervello e abituare la mente a cercare soluzioni fuori dagli schemi. . Read full article here Lingua originale:

Aug 29, 2023

Horse health research will help humans stay healthy, too, with insights on reining in diabetes and obesity

Learning how to treat endocrine disorders in horses may also lead to treatments in people, and vice versa. Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment via Getty Images Jane Manfredi, Michigan State University As a veterinary science researcher, equine surgeon and sports medicine and rehabilitation specialist, I’ve seen firsthand the similarities between horses and humans. Both horses

Aug 28, 2023

Influence of Online Platforms and Wellness Applications on Patient Participation and Personal Healthcare

In this discussion, we’ll explore the significant effect that digital platforms and healthcare apps have made on patient participation and personal health management. The digital revolution, boosted by the ubiquity of mobile devices, has transformed the healthcare sector, empowering patients to become proactive contributors to their health and wellness. As a skilled SEO

Aug 21, 2023

The Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Medical Education and Training

Advancements in Medicine Through the Lens of Virtual and Augmented Realities Emerging technologies, namely Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), are seeding profound metamorphoses across diverse industries. The sphere of medical tutelage and enhancement is no exception. These immersive mediums are ushering in a new paradigm in the way medical stalwarts acquire,

Aug 14, 2023

The Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into Healthcare and Medical Investigation

In the modern era, the amalgamation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has instigated a transformative wave across a multitude of sectors, the domain of healthcare and medical research being a notable beneficiary. This innovative conjunction has laid the groundwork for unparalleled progression, augmenting the calibre of patient care, expediting the

Jul 4, 2023

Sleep like a baby: Helping new parents sleep better

In Australia, about 900 families welcome a new baby each day. This generally follows a nine-month pregnancy demarcated by three, three-month trimesters, but about two decades ago, leading American paediatrician Dr Harvey Karp, in his book The Happiest Baby on the Block, argued that there was in fact a post-birth fourth trimester. This fragile

Jun 28, 2023

L’arte del feedback: come dare e ricevere feedback costruttivo per il successo professionale

L’importanza del feedback nella vita quotidiana: Il feedback è uno strumento potente che permea ogni aspetto della nostra vita. All’interno delle relazioni familiari, il feedback costruttivo può favorire una comunicazione aperta, migliorare la comprensione reciproca e rafforzare i legami affettivi. . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan

Jun 28, 2023

The Significance of Hydration: An Extensive Manual for Ensuring Optimal Hydration

We cannot overemphasize the significance of proper hydration in maintaining overall well-being. Water, the Vitalizing Essence of Life, constitutes approximately 60% of the human body and plays a fundamental role in a myriad of crucial biological processes. These encompass digestion, nutrient absorption, temperature regulation, and waste elimination. Attaining and sustaining optimal hydration, therefore,