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Sep 7, 2022

Five future concerns for women’s health

The COVID-19 pandemic finally woke the world up to realising health emergencies had profound impacts on women because of gender norms and inequalities. Research into the myriad ways in which these impacts have been felt across politics, economics, and society is being produced across the globe. This research is feeding into evidence-based policy

Aug 30, 2022

Effects of vaccination against COVID-19 on the emotional health of older adults

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the mental and emotional health of the elderly, especially those from low to middle-income countries. However, COVID-19 vaccination may reduce this influence. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the effect of vaccination against COVID-19 on the emotional health of older adults. Methods: We selected a national, random, and stratified

Aug 9, 2022

Golf and Health, More than 18 Holes—A Bibliometric Analysis

Despite golf’s contribution to health, scientific production related to golf and health has been relatively scarce. This work aims to investigate the state of the art on golf and health and to identify existing gaps and the principal and most notable potential future research trends, contributing to connecting the reality of the facilities

Jul 6, 2022

Neuromanagement: neuro-strategie per neuro-manager

L’obiettivo di questo articolo, che è il proseguimento naturale di quello relativo al “mindset” dei nuovi leader, è quello di offrire una prospettiva neuroscientifica per la comprensione e l’integrazione dei meccanismi cognitivi alla base dei pensieri e delle azioni all’interno di strutture organizzative complesse . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore:

Jun 30, 2022

Brain structural abnormalities in six major psychiatric disorders: shared variation and network perspectives

Common brain abnormalities are a possible explanation for comorbidities in psychiatric disorders. Challenges in understanding these conditions are likely due to the paucity of studies able to analyze the extent and regional distribution of shared morphometric abnormalities between disorders. Recently, Opeal et al. presented an elegant rationale to investigate shared and specific morphometric

Jun 29, 2022

Mindset cervelli da leader

Cosa significa “Mindset”? Questo termine deriva dalla psicologia cognitiva, che pone l’attenzione su come le persone processano le informazioni e quali software mentali utilizzano per entrare in azione . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato accademico, professore e ricercatore di psicologia comportamentale presso

Jun 24, 2022

The autotelic self

What does “autotelic” mean? Literally it means “end in itself,” but what is the real meaning, if we bring it back to our lives? In the context of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s “Flow theory,” someone with an autotelic self tends to appreciate life, derives a pleasure in the absence of extrinsic finality, that is, they

Jun 24, 2022

Il sé autotelico

Cosa significa “autotelico”? Letteralmente significa “fine a se stesso”, ma qual è il significato reale, riportato alla nostra vita? Nell’ambito della “teoria del flusso (Flow)” di Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, la persona con un sé autotelico tende ad apprezzare la vita, trae un piacere in assenza di finalità estrinseche, cioè senza preoccuparsi delle ricompense esterne,