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“You are not like the others, you are you” (quote)

What is your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)? Each of us as an individual has their own UVP, because each of us is UNIQUE. Being unique means being different from others and, luckily, each of us is!  

Distinguishing yourself by your Uniqueness means daring to be yourself, expressing your way of being, the person you really are, making a difference in your life and inspiring others by being who you are.

UVP is a definition that encompasses the unique characteristics based on your Values, which must be consistent with what you think, say, communicate, act and therefore with who you are.

If you are a freelancer or an entrepreneur, it is even more important to reflect on what your UVP is as an Individual, because it is your Values that guide you in your personal Life and also in your professional one. You will consistently interpret them into your business model, in your marketing strategy (Unique Selling Proposition, USP) of your services or products, which will be perceived by others as Unique, distinguishable precisely by the intrinsic characteristic of your UVP!

Will everyone like the UVP of You, your service, or your product? Of course not, it will only appeal to those who share and appreciate your Uniqueness and who, consequently, will also give the right Value to your business!

Autore: Valentina Reiner

Valentina Reiner is Certified Business Coach (CBC™) by Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC), European Individual Accreditation (EIA) Coach/Mentor at Senior Practitioner Level by European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), Neuromanager Positivo Applicato (NPA®) by Apprendo Academy

Valentina Reiner
Valentina Reiner

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Tu non sei come gli altri, tu sei te (“You are not like the others, you are you”): message delivered by Adriano Celentano for the Microfono d’Oro award to Vincenzo Mollica on April 3rd, 2022.

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